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July 24, 2004



Great Idea! checks sent, and idea posted/linked to try and help spread the word.

Daniel Day

I like the idea and will follow thru to Bush. I'm with Jesse on contributing to Kerry, though... He would just take all those small donations, average them in with the rest of his donations, thereby reducing the average contribution, get my point? He would then point to how many of the "little people" are supporting him.
On the other hand, I wonder how much his bank charges him to process each check...


Simply Brilliant.


I can't pry the 22 cents out of my hands...they refuse to give that bastard even one penny, much less 22.

$7.62 to Bush is another matter entirely. Great idea, I think I may make similar donations to my congress critters...


Sorry about the double-ping....it's a Typepad issue. Everytime I trackback to Typepad sites, Typepad reports back a ping error, but posts the trackback anyway. This means if I make a minor edit after posting, the Typepad site gets pinged AGAIN because MT thinks it didn't go through the first time.


I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!

A most excellent idea, and it's been touted to my readers!


Fully endorsed, blogged and linked, amigo.

Brilliant plan you have. One of those "Why didn't I think of that?" types.

I humbly salute you, sir.

Sloop New Dawn
Galveston, TX


For the website design, I see a couple of target bulls, one with "Donate to Bush/Cheney" and the other with "Donate to Kerry/Edwards" Each bull would have the respective "7.62" or ".22 Long Rifle" label on it. Clicking on either would link to the appropriate political donation website.

Calling all site designers....calling all site designers....

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