Here we go again: SoreLoserman II, with pouting, lawsuits and partisan (OH) election directors of the (D)onk persuasion trying to convince the world that their boy will win when he has already lost.
Bush has a four million popular vote difference, so the "by a whisker" conditions that existed for Bush last time out doesn't hold today.
The US Senate is back firmly in GOP hands, with almost enough votes to over-ride filibusters. Three (D)onks can throw the fillibustering ass of Ted Kennedy back into Chappaquidick Creek. That will likely happen now.
The (D)onks are crushed, and even if some miracle was to put Kerry in the White House, he would be a do-nothing for 4 years. But, miracles seldom happen, so Bush is in a position now to finish his legacy on a stronger footing, and replace many in the liberal judiciary to keep the legacy going after he's gone.
Say goodnight, John Fuggedabbouddit Kerry. You've just been counted out by the ref and the fight's over. The mainstream media, in your pocket for months now, will try to hold out hope all night, but the worst Bush can do is have to be confirmed in the House of Representatives, the majority of which which would enjoy the job.
There will be other SoreLoserman II dirty tricks to come out of the (D)onk bag, such as trying to intimidate electors into changing their votes, but that didn't work with SoreLoserman I and it won't work here. There will be a few lawsuits, but the (R)'s have a few to file too. The suits will fade faster than the newly-registered youth did last night.
It must be noted that the youth vote, touted for months as the Kerry secret weapon, was at a total of 17% of the electorate in 2004, and it was 17% again this year. All the millions of newly-registered youth apparently got lost on their way to the polls.
Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. America. Sleep well, ya done good.
Update - 110304 2147 MST: SoreLoserman 2 suspended on order of the Clintons. Sorry, it ended not with a bang, but a whimper.
Next up: Hillary's 4-year battle for the White House starts now. Details coming to a blog near you.