...you've given yourself a present of a Democrat Governor in an election so crooked, we can even smell it down here in Multnomah County, OR over the usual stench of liberal politics.
"Count every vote"! The liberal editorial boards were thundering all week long as the (D)onk election board in King County (Seattle) was dredging up votes for their gal from obviously spoiled ballots.
Well, they didn't count every vote. They didn't count the spoiled ballots in over 30 GOP-dominated counties. They might have to, though. One GOP attorney said that the WA Supreme Court ruling that let the (D)onks count the spoiled ballots in liberal King County apparently lifted the deadlines completely, so perhaps those "Red" counties can be revisited and their "undervote" counted.
They didn't count all the absentee ballots from our men and women fighting in the Middle East, dispite having sent them out one and a half weeks late. The (D)onk candidate, Christine Gregoire, won the election by TEN VOTES (according to the (D)onks). I'll bet there are many more military GOP votes than ten that didn't get counted. Could THAT have been a deliberate attempt to disfranchise the troops, who would have been expected to vote overwhelmingly for their Commander-in-Chief? If so, why doesn't the Federal Election Commission ask for yet another delay in certifying this election and look into the matter.
Then, as Random Nuclear Strikes pointed out in their excellent coverage of (D)onk election fraud, there is the matter of the precinct where over 500 "homeless" persons, some giving addresses outside the country and having foreign names, have registered and voted, many (more than ten) by absentee ballot. Registering persons without a permanent address violates Washington law, and the stretching of the law to "register" Democrats at a welfare office address stinks to high heaven.
Nope, the (D)onks have not elected Gregoire. They stole the election and installed her in a coup d'etat.
If the Ukraine Supreme Court can step in and order a remedy to an obviously stolen election, certainly the SCOTUS can do no less, or why do we hail ourselves as the beacon of democracy?
Preident Bush, are you listening?
I am very confused at your web site...//it states
"listed below are links to weblogs that reference METTY CHRISTMAS, WASHINGTON STATE. and all I get is this comments--post a comment...whats up...I have a question about this orginaztion here in wash state, eligibility of a person in need and info on past cases and volenteering to help. thank you, Dennis
Posted by: dennis | January 27, 2005 at 10:27