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October 20, 2005



Thanks Rivrdog. I just sent you one. The damn printer took a dump on me while I was trying to print it out. Yeah, I type letters. Nobody can read them otherwise.


Thanks, Dana and Catfish, but I'm not the hero. I just happen to come from an era when my Mama taught me to be civil to all and helpful to all those in need.

The service to A-Man is obvious to me: he's done so much good for everyone except himself, he MUST be helped now that he has made his choice to save his own butt.

So I help him.


You are doing a good service for my buddy, thanks from all of us, Cat


I started my letter. I plan to write several and send cards. I care so much for Rob...I wonder how his first day and night went. I hope he slept well...I hope he's not too lonely.


No problem, love to write, love to ramble....and with rain on the way for the weekend, I shouldnt have any trouble finding time to set some thought to paper...


WOW, Nothing else to say but WOW!!

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