We've been invaded. The invading horde has taken residence among us, and due to our unwillingness to properly regulate our own conduct, has gotten away with the invasion.
The invaders' own government is involved in the invasion, facilitating it by their conduct.
Next, the invaders get jobs, and send a lot of money back home. That money props up their corrupt government, and allows that government to have socialism AND low taxes.
I say, seize the money.
Think about it for a minute. There is somewhere between 20 and 200 billion dollars a year going across the border from illegals. Most all of it is sent via electronic means. The invaders wouldn't send it any other way, because it would be stolen enroute to it's destination.
The US Government has the legal right to seize money that is profit from an illegal enterprise (in this case, the illegal invasion).
I propose an immediate embargo on wiring money to Mexico. I propose further that the Federal Government grant exceptions, UPON PROOF THAT THE SENDER IS LEGALLY IN THE COUNTRY OR IS A US CITIZEN, and shows his pay stub, upon showing of which he may send money up to 60% of his after-tax earnings.
An embargo on the money will immediately and severely impact the Mexican government. They will scream, take us to the World Court, etc, but very shortly thereafter, they will wave the white flag (I'm sure that they still have some left from when the French ran their country). They will come to us and ask what it would take to get the money flowing again.
The price will be simple. They seal their border from within and keep it sealed. Not a single one of their citizens gets into this country unless we have issued that Mexican a visa.
Then we drop the other shoe.
The Mexican government then announces that all of their citizens who left will have, after a date certain, surrendered their Mexican citizenship, and they will have Mexican warrants issued for their arrest. Give them enough time to return, say a year.
Then Mexico assists the US with the production of a list, with such biometric information as is available, of those who have fled Mexico for the US. The US issues warrants based on the proper request of the Mexican government.
The US government makes a sincere effort to serve all these warrants, including but not limited to these incentives:
- Payment of cash rewards, not taxable, for information leading to the service of a warrant.
- A streamlined process for a citizen's arrest and service of said warrants (and payment of the cash rewards attched to them). If we find an invader, we can lay hands upon him or her and take the invader in ourselves. Any simple physical force will be appropriate, and higher levels of force if resistance is met.
- Arrests and prosecutions of any State or Municipal government authorities who refuse to assist in the service of the warrants, or place any roadblocks in the way of doing so, for example, by issuing driver's licenses to known or suspected illegals.
- A new Federal law making it illegal to offer any supportive service to any person who has not been properly identified (by proper ID according to the Real ID Act of 2005). That law would define tendering or even offering such support as hindering Federal prosecution. The only defense to violations would be that the invader presented false ID of such quality as to deceive a TRAINED person.
This approach would make the choice for most of the invaders, and they would voluntarily return to Mexico during the year-long grace period. Those that didn't, probably no more than 5-10% of the total, are hard-core, and could easily be rounded up by increasing the reward on them incrementally by time.
We've proven that cutting off the money to any sort of pirate can effectively end their piracy. Just look at the Islamic terrorist organizations we have either put out of business or reduced to strapping on bomb belts. Look at Hamas in the Palestine Territory.
It's time to use this time-tested system on our most pressing problem.
Permission granted to pass this idea along to your congresscritter. Hell, steal the idea and say it's yours.
Let's talk it up.