Stalwarts may notice a reduction in posts recently. It's not that I'm not pounding the keyboard any more, it's just that I am pounding it for a different reason (writing another novel), and there are only so many hours in the day in which to write.
Will I publish the novel? Dono, I still have the last one I finished last year, unpublished. Then there's the political novel I started 12 years ago, but lost most of in a computer crash (WIN95, and it wiped out the data on the HD and on the floppy I was copying to) I have tried to restart that novel, a story of religio-political intrigue leading up to and encompassing the Second American Revolution and Republic, but can't seem to get into it.
So now I'm writing a soapish, mindless erotic novel, but it's curious how it just seems to flow, chapter after chapter, so I keep after it.
I'm also working on an idea in personal estate management with someone far away. I have my first legal reference and appointment soon to check up on the feasibility. If it's possible and doable, we'll probably finance the intitial set up out of my pocket, then I'll incorporate and go at it full time. The Great American Dream, it rolls up just about everything I've stood for in my life into a franchisable system. More on it if and when the legal inspection pans out and I get my corporate papers filed.
Life marches on.