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February 24, 2010


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Gorillas are vegetarian, why are they so physically powerful?
Gorillas look powerful. I would like to know what is their main source of protein comes from? Since gorillas are vegeterian for the most part, does that mean they have to eat lots of fruits and vegetable to get high amount of protein for their muscules. Bears are very strong animal, but their protein comes from fish and possibly other sources of meat. How can a gorilla be so strong being raised on bananas?


If you decide to delete your Facebook account, go through and manually remove EVERYTHING. It is the only solution. Ask me how I know. :)

Gerry Nygaard

The missus' computer just yesterday started with uncontrollable pop up ads and slowed to a crawl. Our nevvies are IT techs for a MAJOR university, and via some sort of demon majik prodded around in their Auntie's computer for three hours, killing and maiming a couple dozen different evil entities. Chief among them was FaceBook, may it rot in Hell, for it held the door open for the Evil. Moral of my story: UN FaceBook yourself, then look not back lest you be turned to salt. And not in the good way.

The Missus is having facebook withdrawal, but in time will heal. I told her if she really needs that much contact with her FB Friends, call 'em up on the damn phone, or learn to write letters on paper. No one can hack a letter written on paper with a few keystrokes. There are good things to be said about a real letter written with a fountain pen on real paper, then sent through the mail.

Gerry N.


One of the worst parts is even when you delete your facebook account, its not really gone. you can simply log back in at any time and its if you never left. Kinda scary when you think about what you may have posted there before realizing how much of a seive facebook really is.


I only use Facebook for interaction with well-established friends and family members. Nothing else. My wife and I are very careful about instituting security due to the concerns you cite. We also check once or twice a week - and definitely every time there is a system refresh or "upgrade" - to ensure that we have our security and sharing settings clamped down severely. We also employ rule #1 of Fight Club.

So, contextually, I agree with you completely r.e. how to use Facebook.

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