This bleg is for any owners of the Smith Bodyguard (Pistol, not revolver) who might like to give me their personal experiences of it, and especially of what it replaced if it was not your first mousegun.
I got a close-up look at a S&W Bodyguard 380 with built-in laser sight the other day. I like it. Since the P3AT let me down with my choice of ammo recently (see end of that long post), I've replaced it with the NAA Guardian in .32NAA, a hot wildcat round closer to the performance of 9mm than .380. However, it's a heavy little sucker, 30% heavier than the P3AT or Bodyguard, almost a quarter-inch thicker than the P3AT, and while the DeSantis Nemesis holster holds it well enough, it's weight and bulk in a pants pocket causes it to print much more than the P3AT did.
The Smith is narrower, and with the finger in the correct preparatory position alongside the trigger, it falls on the laser sight button naturally (lefty or righty, the button is ambi). The pistol is slightly larger overall than the P3AT, but not enough to defeat pocket carry. It might be interesting to stack it up alongside the Ruger LC9. Since the purpose is VERY short-range defense, and the laser gives VERY accurate shot placement possibilities, the difference between 9mm and 380 is not worth arguing about, especially since the difference in size is considerable and weight difference for the Ruger is almost 50% over the Smith Bodyguard.
As far as Nines go, I have a compact KelTec P11, with good 3-dot sights, and I've qualified with it on the State DPSST (POST) course. The P11 is basically built on the Glock patent, and is very reliable. I also have a Glock Model 19, but it is even bigger than the P11, and is almost in the full-size category. If I'm carrying full-size, it's going to be my Glock Model 22, or maybe a 1911A1. I have companion carbines for both, and the pistol+carbine duo is by far the best way to protect yourself if you must go in harm's way.
My, my. We certainly strayed from a mousegun search, didn't we?