So now we get the "details" of how NSA monitoring of every telecom communication in the USA (maybe the world?) saves us from terrorism.
Color me unimpressed.
Channeling Obi-wan Kenobe: "These are not the details you are looking for, you may go now."
Yeah. Whoopee, the FeeBees interrupted the wet dream of some muzzie bozo to kaboom the Great Satan in the Great Satan's very own Palace of Moolah. Would the good General Alexander be so kind as to raise his right hand and swear that only NSA phone surveillance records were used to make this big bust? Ummmm, no he would not.
How about this little gobbledegook exchange at the hearing today:
"The director of national intelligence's legal chief, Robert S. Litt, said if the NSA finds it has accidentally gathered a phone call by a target who had traveled into the United States without their knowledge, they have to "purge" that from their system. The same goes for an accidental collection of any conversation because of an error.
Litt said those incidents are then reported to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, which "pushes back" and asks how it happened, and what the NSA is doing to fix the problem so it doesn't happen again."
Color this barrister a bit too clever for his own britches:
- "accidently gathered a phone call..." BULL-TWADDLE, the NSA "gathers" ALL phone calls by DESIGN, not accident.
- The FIS court "pushes back" do they? Not too damn hard it seems, because the NSA is still at it collecting all that metadata from all those phone calls.
- "so it doesn't happen again"...BWAAAHAHAHA! Of course it's going to happen again, and again, and again.
This "hearing" was just another "Star Chamber" itself, designed to put the stamp of Big Government more firmly on what Big Government does best, crush Liberty.
If you think otherwise, you need to get a real mirror to look at yourself with, not Alice's Majik Looking Glass. That's the face of a sheep you see there, guy, not the wise visage of a free citizen.
This blog still hails Edward Snowden for his act to bring all this loss of Liberty to our attention, regardless of his motive or even of his character.
Until proven otherwise, he's still a Patriot in the finest use of the term. Even if he turns out to be a spy for China or anyone else (the NSA?), bought and paid for, his act was that of a Patriot.