This is not supposed to happen. The US Military is commanded by the President of the US.
Period. So sayeth Article 2, Section 2 of the US Constitution.
That said, the military is also an organization, with all the organizational politics and psychology that any other large organization possesses as a matter of existence.
The military organization is in the worst conflict THIS military officer has ever witnessed, vis-a-vis it's CiC.
The politics is easy to understand. Coming from the far Left of the Democratic Party, our CiC is determined to make the military bend to his desires, and not allow it any autonomy to operate on it's own volition, instead inserting micromanagement from the White House of every jot or tittle of it's function. In this respect, Obama is far more severe on the military than any President in my memory has been, and my memory on this subject goes back to the Eisenhower Administration. Even Jimmy Carter had more respect for the military than Obama, and Carter, the first post-Vietnam Democrat President, put a severe collar on the military, so as to reap the so-called "Peace Dividend" and spend it on the gimme-gimme folks to buy votes with.
Obama looks to actually be punishing the military for doing what they do best: win military conflicts. Whenever, in the past five years, the military has gotten a handle on it's opposition in the Global War on Terror, it has been handcuffed by new rules limiting it's effectiveness. That handcuffing has gotten so severe, in the "Rules of Engagement" area, that our soldiers in Afghanistan are not permitted to shoot back at buildings from where they are being fired upon by islamist fighters, because of the chance that there might be a non-combatant in the building and that non-combatant might become a casualty. This possibility has always been accepted as a factor of war up until now. What it means is that the enemy may fire upon our forces with impunity in urban settings.
Then there is the matter of sexual politics in the military. In the "new" gender-integrated military, there is some resistance to the new integration of women into all possible roles. Determined to end that resistance, the Administration is hammering down on the military, claiming that it is some sort of misogynist outfit which has caused up to 26,000 sexual assault crimes per year. Do the math. That means that one in 20 military members is some sort of sex-crazed monster instead of being a professional member of a professional military, if the statistic is to be believed, which I refuse to do. The President has called for all sex crimes in the military to be removed from the military's own justice system, the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), in use since 1948. There is ZERO precedent for doing this for an entire class of crimes. The President wants the Federal criminal justice system to prosecute and try all of these cases in the politics-laden Federal court, where politics is always an additional burden on the defense. Here's another good write-up of the current dust-up.
Then there is the matter of spirituality. The military has it's own members of the cloth, Chaplains who minister to the spiritual needs of it's members, in Chapels on every military installation. Most large posts have Chaplains from the Christian, Jewish and Islamic religions, but that is not good enough for the Obama Administration. The heart of the Christian religion is the Bible and it's Teachings, just as the Jews have the Torah and Islam has the Quran. The Torah and Quran have been left out of the fray for now, but a fine dust-up has developed in the Chaplain Corps over teaching of the Bible, especially those teachings that proscribe (prohibit) homosexuality. Chaplains are now threatened with arrest for disobeying orders for failing to conduct homosexual weddings in the military. This has discouraged all the Christian Chaplains, to the point where many of them no longer feel that they can fulfil their vows to God and the military.
Here's my advice to President Obama: based on the direction you are taking this Nation, Sir, you and your follow-on socialists are eventually going to NEED the military. This isn't Venezuela. You can't just whistle up your Secret Police and change commanders when one balks at doing something new and un-Constitutional. Yep, you will NEED the military to succeed, at least some parts of it. You'd better start treating them with some respect instead of treating them like just more gangsters to do your bidding in the ghetto of Chicago. If you lose the military totally, you, Sir, are done, because they WILL side with your opposition when the balloon goes up on Civil War Two, YOUR Civil War.
This high yaller ijit needs to go. Where he goes I don't much care as long as it's out of office. Maybe the Amerikaner Nationalsozialtistiches Demokratisches Partei can use him, Lord knows I have none.
It's really too bad the Stupid Party doesn't have any, you know, politicians, or perhaps even a Statesman in the mix. Perhaps they could come up with a strategy and use it to put the pResident behind the eight ball, mainslime media be damned and stymie some of his more destructive policies.
Posted by: Gerry N. | June 20, 2013 at 20:57