I'm back, the blog is active again.
Not a long story, really. I never quit writing for justice and the American Way, I just moved over to Facebook for the past couple of years. In the past month or so, for reasons only the greed-mongers who run Facebook understand, they decided that I was the perfect candidate to start pushing large quantities of ads to, on my own page. I speculate that I finally hit the floor number of "friends" to make me a big-poobah worthy of having all those push-ads thrown at me, but then again, maybe everyone gets this treatment. For a while, I clicked on the carat in each ad, and patiently clicked the "hide all ads from..." choice. I then would select either "It's offensive to me" or the lesser "it's not relevant to me". All that seemed to do was make the zucker-farker try harder, and I got more ads. I am up to 25-30 per day now, and I only post maybe 5 times in an average day. I share maybe 3 to 5 other posts, and I hit the "like" button maybe 15 times per day. Strangely, that adds up to the number of ads I get shoved in my face.
I'm done with that program. I will leave my exit post up on my Facebook page for a week, but not post any new stuff. I will blog here every day.
UPDATE: 092115, 0120 PDT: I just pulled that trigger, didn't wait a week. Done with that dish.
Pass the word, the Rivrdog is back!