Given the propensity of the Vatican to engage in shady banking operations, and given the sudden and forceful entry of the Vatican into the highly suspect GreenScam arena of wealth transfer, this blogger feels that it is appropriate to connect the dots and ask what other GreenScam ideas the Vatican Bank is involved with. The previous Pope, Paul VI, endorsed Carbon Credit Trading, and presumably, had the Vatican Bank involved in that shady scheme. Pope Francis wrote a papal bull opposing this position, but does that mean that GreenScamming by the Vatican has ceased?
Since Pope Francis has endorsed forced re-distribution of income on the basis of "carbon reduction", one might easily imagine that there are some sticky Vatican banking fingers in this pie.
Based on the Socialist Pope's green-thusiasm, I think we can refer to any such discovered hanky-panky as "PopeScam" from now on.
I suspect Peace or Freedom would go along with my idea...