During rush hour on Friday, on a busy Max train platform, a whacko who considers himself Christian (he isn't, follows ZERO Christian principles), targeted two women, one wearing a Hijab (Islamic clothing article) and began to rant at them. Two transit customers immediately gave a heated verbal response while others watched. The crazy pulled a knife and started slashing. Before it was over, the two loudest Social Justice Warriors lay dead, throats cut, and another bystander, her role not clear, was wounded as well (she will survive). The perp ran off, but was quickly apprehended by the police.
Now the fallout begins. Today, another Social Justice Warrior who also happens to be a newspaper Editor, Samantha Swindler, writes an editorial WHICH IS PUBLISHED ON PAGE TWO AS NEWS!!! If you get the Oregonian, you will note that she is NOT identified as an Editor, and in fact, her editorial is in the news section. That's a HUGE mistake, but it shows what the mass media is all about these days: claiming to inform us while actually propagandizing us.
Ms. Swindler leads her article:
A white Christian extremist is accused of murdering two men who stood up to defend a pair of teenage girls being harassed for their religion on a MAX train.
This is where unchecked hate can lead.
She ends it:
No one can turn away. The brave must stand up.
We cannot let fear silence us.
The Editor said NOTHING about the obvious bad choice of the slasher's victims to face a crazy man down. When the facts of this event are stacked up, the SJWs' bad choices are what led directly to their wounds. It has "bad optics" to say this, but the fact that these 2 people loudly opposed the perp's crazy, and also FREE speech got them killed.
The newspaper won't have the guts to put that out there, so I will.
Folks, it's sometimes called the "New York System", but when in the public, ESPECIALLY when riding transit with it's confined spaces and crowds limiting your freedom of defensive movement, you simply DO NOT GET VERBAL, no matter the provocation. Once that man pulled his knife, someone HAD to get cut unless a better actual (not social justice) Warrior was there to do proper battle with him. Even a gun-bearer would have had a hard time in that crowd. There would have been a large chance of a bullet striking an innocent. The bottom line there is that once the crazy felt challenged enough to get his knife out, de-escalation had no chance.
As for Editor Swindler, YOUR bad choices in your article may just get more people killed. The Publisher should have known better than to let you pull this stunt.