Jews for Protection of Firearms Ownership cites this "study", which debunks itself on the rule of statistical insignificance. The study's pushers (yes, anti-gun scammers are just like drug pushers, so we call them that here) survey Maryland's population, only 3.5# of the males there come from rural areas, and guess what the "study" concludes? It concludes that EEvil Gunzz are to blame for most male suicides in Maryland! Anyone drawing that conclusion from those facts should be publicly exposed as Charlatans, and thank God we have JFPO to do that.
I looked into the American Public Health Association, because as a kid, I remember my dad belonged to that org. Dad was a Doctor and diplomate of the Harvard School of Public Health. When I opened APHA's front page, the "issues" it addresses as a group appeared to be right out of a Democratic Party Talking Points briefing or a stump speech by a (D) Mayoral candidate for Baltimore, MD. (Human-caused Global Warming is a HEALTH problem?). Next, I looked for Bloomberg's ugly footprints in this rose-garden, and sure enough, I found some. Michael Bloomberg, the Daddy Warbucks of anti-2A politics, bought into the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health (Baltimore, MD) years ago just to lend "Authenticity" (read: pump anti-gun beeEss into his politics) to his anti-2A work.
So, another debunked anti-gun "scientific study" for which any dumb schmuck with a plugged-up nose could find the stink of Bloomberg on. Not fake news, but not really news, either. ALL of these "studies" have been engineered to give fake authenticity to anti-gun propaganda. Go over to Joe's Place, he will have many, many more listed over there. Between Joe and JPFO sleuthing around the the lairs of the anti-gunners, they just can't hide.
There IS real news here though, news which supports the debunking that JPFO did. For this news, you need a bit more education than the Democrats would give you. You need some actual study in the history of Philosophy. That's not hard to find, it is a freshman or sophomore-level course at almost every college and university. You can probably take it at your local Community College for $120 or so. After you've had that course or it's equivalent in self-study, you will find that discussions of suicide MUST involve studying Philosophy. Academically, and the Left is nothing if not "Academic", right? (Karl Marx said so, so it must be so, right?), the subject of suicide is ALWAYS philosophical, and most philosophies are against it, most religions, too.
Why does society fight the idea of self-destruction so hard? Simple: they always have. How did such anti-suicide policy get ingrained in Judeo-Christian society so deeply? Simple! It's numbers. When times are hard, and they ALWAYS were hard in the Olden Days, despair at the current life's status one finds one's self in was very common. To prevent society from collapsing of low numbers, Judeo-Christian leaders formulated TWO diktats: first, "Go forth and Multiply" (Book of Genesis 1:28 {KJV}) The second diktat is that one's body belongs to God, therefore, we lack the right to destroy it:
(1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NIV) [19] Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; [20] you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. We are not our own. It is up to God when we die not us. It is hard to argue that a person who kills himself is honoring God with his body.) This last quote is via a very good source, Behind the Badge, btw.
Some philosophical codes don't go as far as saying your body belongs only to God, though. The Bushido code, for one. It was the behavioral code of requirements for the Samurai class of ancient Japan. This code DID include women, btw, so get lost with your feminist cant, ladies. The Bushido Code had a place where suicide was MANDATORY, and that was if you failed it's basic tenets, your military superior could order you to take your own life (Seppuku). I read the Bushido code, never subscribed to all of it. Some of my married-into-family had Samurai roots though, so I got to hear tales of the Bushido Code around the dinner table.
I subscribe to a simple Warrior's code, and yes, I'm a warrior so I can do that. In my Warrior Code, I get to choose the time and place of my own death. Me, Myself and I are the only ones responsible OR empowered for that. As a Warrior should, I have contemplated what conditions I would have to be in to choose to end my life. I KNOW when I would do that, and I only will know when and until that point comes, if it ever does. To give you salacious readers some respite, let me just say that I'm nowhere near that point, as old and decrepit as I might be, I soldier on and suffer through it all.
Did I just digress? No, I just put my literary spear in the belly of ALL these "suicide studies", the VAST majority of which are from simpletons regurgitating ancient philosophy, to say something nice about them. There is NOTHING nice to say about the anti-2A people, they are simply wannabe dictators, and our Constitution AND our Warrior Codes all tell us that those folks are Enemies of our State. If you actually read all my above screed, you KNOW that suicide is not about guns, it's about personal choices.
Now, go forth and multiply.