What if: Increased persecution of Christians by Muslims was because Christians are adopting self-destructive behaviors? The Muslims see that as weakness, and increase their efforts to destroy Christianity, which they see as a Holy crusade (Jihad).
Examples? Sure. Bergolio, the false Pope, destroying Catholic culture in favor of godless Marxism, as fast as he can.
Example? How about OUR Protestant churches defying Civil Law for Marxist purposes (illegals invading & being sheltered by the churches).
Example? How about Christians performing/advocating for interpersonal behaviors prohibited by their own Holy Book, the Bible? Gambling, sexual perversions, greed.
Finally, Christianity has COMPLETELY failed to defend it's own faith. Where are the Christian Soldiers? We tut-tut from over here while African Christians are being slaughtered in the thousands. No we don't need to send them food and blankets, we need to send them GUNS and bullets. We need to send them proven warriors to lead Christian armies of defense.
Christianity, provided with the Gospel, the single most compelling social instruction manual ever written, has failed to read the manual.
RTFM. (A military acronym: Read The Field Manual)
Back when I was stuck in L.A., I had a good long conversation with the Bishop of our church (I was new, he wanted to meet me, etc) I came away from that conversation as a mentor to a young man from a family that attended the church. As the Bishop put it, "You're a god-fearing Masculine Christian. We need more of that."
Sadly, too many Christians look to God as some sort of nurturing, pampering "God is Lurve, man!" kind of deity. He's not. There's a reason the first person of the Trinity is "God the FATHER", as in the guy who'll whip his belt off and give you a whipping if you really screw up.
Posted by: Ragin' Dave | July 02, 2019 at 17:46
Yeah, read while you still have time!
Posted by: Merle | June 25, 2019 at 15:45