LGBTQ,etc is a BELIEF SYSTEM (aka, a RELIGION). It's "Establishment" as such is prohibited by our Constitution in it's First Amendment, as an exception to Freedom of Expression, so why do our Ambassadors and Police Chiefs get away with trotting out the LGBTQ,etc Icon/Idol (the rainbow flag) by their OFFICIAL Orders? Every single one of those Officials has sworn an Oath to Uphold the Constitution, so as they display this religious icon/idol, they are ALL guilty of SWORN FALSIFICATION, an Impeachable offense if a Federal appointee, or Official Misconduct if a State official.
The LGBTQ,etc belief system is a DIRECT attack on our Constitution, and all those supporting it MUST be declared, AS A GROUP, to be advocating our Constitution's dissolution.
There's a word for what LGBTQ,etc followers do: it's REBELLION. Rebellions may be properly put down with force unless they immediately desist upon being informed of their status.
The LGBTQ,etc religion DOES NOT REFLECT that sexual preferences or acts, IN PRIVATE, between CONSENTING adults, are permissible expressions. This tiny percentage of our population wants to CONTROL the non-believing majority, and FORCE acceptance of their religion on that majority.
Tyranny of a minority as the LGBTQ,etc religion works it amounts to HATE, and now we see the PROJECTION (truth-reversal) of that hate by that religious minority, who refer to all such as myself who dare to challenge their beliefs as the haters. Where else do we see this level of Projection?
Oh, yes, the Democratic Party uses Projection every day to sell their Useful Idiots the dogma necessary to keep them voting the Progressive ticket.
Do I follow a religion? Yes, I do, and that's MY business, and I NEVER try to force my choice of belief system on others. I am, therefor, properly following my Constitution, as I have sworn Oaths to do. President Trump, YOU, too, have sworn an Oath to protect the Constitution. Please do so and REMOVE these Ambassadors and other Officials who flout the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.
This one comes up with the "Rainbow Badge" of the Portland Police Bureau.
Sadly, I'm beginning to doubt that this country has the will power to correct the issue, kind of like the muslim problem.
Posted by: Merle | June 10, 2019 at 10:36