Cue the Paul-bots cheering.
Cue the NWO wallahs and Soros popping corks.
Cue Trump losing the 2020 election!
Trump: US will GTFO 'Stan! Sir you just lost the election and doomed the USA! Read on!
The "plan", a NWO creation, hinges on the Taliban promising they won't launch terror in other countries! Guess what, you dipshidiots, they already do. See: Waziristan. See Chechnya.
The War on Terror now becomes just another Vietnam. Never Again? My ass! Here's what your "plan" will do, my fine NWO President: millions of Veterans, expressing disgust, will not vote next year. Trump then loses a perfectly winnable election, and the USA becomes a 'Stan itself, not under Islam just yet, but quickly under Marxism.
All you effwads who kept telling me that Trump has this magic, his personal "I can out-deal anyone" schtick? Well Trump's "diplomacy" has worked just WHERE? You claim it worked with 'Lil Kimmy. He's laughing at you, shooting missiles every day. You claim it worked with the PROC's Chairman Xi: he's killing us with Fentanyl, which he promised YOU that he would ban the export of.
You now say you can "deal" with the Taliban? You just doomed thousands of Afghans who fought on our side. You just doomed the sane people in Pakistan, who control their NUKES, and will now be forced to give a few to the Islamists, to use on Israel, which causes them to use theirs and the Middle East will glow for milennia. I'm beginning to believe the entire "DTS" rubric is a NWO "maskirovka", a deception move. Trump is THEIR man, looks like to me.
Now it ALL makes sense that he didn't boot very many "Obama Generals" from the Pentagon: he needs their surrendering "expertise" to get us out of yet another war we had previously won. Remember back after 9-11-01, when we sent the 10th Mountain Division there, with NO ROE's, and they kicked ass and cleaned house in less than a year? I remember that. Then we removed the 10th Mountain and sent in the Lawyers, who started arresting our OWN troops for violating suicidal ROEs. Me? No, I was retired in '95, but I went to SE Asia to fight for the USA FIFTY years ago, was there 3 years, then we just quit THAT war.
BTW, I was personally involved in an aborted bombing mission that was the first example of that quitting. I was Wave Lead Navigator on that mission guiding 18 BUFFs into Laos, when Nixon allowed Kissinger to rat out our target to NVA General Giap. My target was the entire POL supply for the NVA armored push through Laos into the Parrot's Beak and South Vietnam. We could have killed all that NVA armor when it ran out of fuel, just like in the Battle of the Bulge in WW2, but Kissinger sold out the target to the NVA just for a PROMISE of "peace talks", which the NVA reneged on just hours later, but by the time a second attack on the POL supply was organized, the enemy had dispersed most of it (it was on 30,000-gallon fuel lighters in an arm of the Ton Le Sap Lake). Over a dozen steel barges I had under the crosshairs on my bombing radar. At 120 seconds to bomb release, we got the coded abort message and went to our secondary target, some truck parks on the Trail. Nope, that's MY 'Nam PTSD, knowing that I, PERSONALLY, might have helped to WIN the damn war and they wouldn't let me. We now will do that again, so I'm angry.
How angry? Well, I know lots of Veterans, and if my 'suasion is still any good, NONE of them will vote for Trump if he pulls this shit.
File this "plan" under "How to kill the morale of the entire military in one fell swoop".