Election 2020, Marxism on display. I give you "Marxism 102" to help you sort it all out.
There are two kinds of Marxism in the world today: Classic (Maoist) Marxism and Oligarchical Marxism, which we could call "Modern Marxism", I suppose.
Classical Marxism, the Marxism of Che Guevara, the Sandinistas, Mao in China, Nikita Kruschev, is all about "we are going to FORCE Socialism on you, and no, we don't care where the necessary money comes from, we'll tax at 100% to pay for it." In other words, with Classical Marxism, there is no wiggle room, no one is allowed to be rich except the State.
In Oligarchical Marxism, the Marxist dictator (the Oligarch) ALLOWS some of the benefits of Capitalism: you CAN accumulate $$$ to a degree, also, consumer goods past the bare necessities of life ARE allowed. The State still controls most everything, such as banking, education, etc, but to the slaves laboring for the dictator, it ALMOST seems like freedom. This is the Marxism of Vlady Putin in Russia, of Xi JinPing in China.
Application time. Hop back into our borders (everyone else wants to!) and let's look at what Marxism HERE feels like. We have Election 2020 coming up, with our Soft-Capitalist President running against a bunch of Marxists. BTW, we retired an Oligarchical Marxist (Obama) when we elected Trump. Trump now faces the (whoever) Marxist (fill in the name) for election in 57 weeks. Trump campaigns on his Capitalist successes, and the Marxists are all campaigning on THEIR plans to destroy those successes and put Marxism in place of them.
All of the high-ranking Democrat contenders are Classical Marxists except Biden, who would be an Obama-style Oligarchical Communist, but he will go away quickly now because he couldn't zip his lip and boasted about his oligarchy on video. Oligarchy is still frowned upon in America.
Bernie, Harris, Warren are the front-runners left, and they ALL have spouted Classical Marxist lines of destroying business and industry by Nationalizing it, financing Statism by doubling taxes (or more than doubling, if you do the required math). Of course, removal of Civil Right is a theme all three follow, also: you can't have that pesky R2KBA and that pesky Free Speech undercutting Marxist power, can you?
Nope, the Democrats have seen and felt just how fast Marxism can be reversed with a Capitalist at the helm, so now they abandon their gradualism approach to Marxism and go Full-Frontal Communist.
The D-Rats will lose next November, and Trump will be re-elected, perhaps even changing the House back to GOPe control in the process. Communists ALWAYS lose elections when they have to play by Freedom's rules, but they have a Plan for that, also: It's called Revolution, the bloodier, the better.
When Trump wins, or maybe even before that if the polling shows him to be unbeatable by September or October next year, USA's streets will run in blood. That's sad, but necessary, because the Final Lesson of my Marxism 102 course (this will be on the Test) is that old truism that Marxism can be VOTED in, but it can only be DRIVEN out, by force of arms.
You know what, students? The Communists think the same way about Marxism, and we Liberty-loving types have backed the commies into a corner now, so yes, people, you WILL get to use those #TenMillionRifles in anger...
What was that about the tree of liberty?
Posted by: Merle | October 04, 2019 at 09:57