A somber subject to be sure.
Eighty years ago, most of the world went to war with National Socialists. The National Socialists, aka "Fascists", declared their "1,000-year Reich", a World Order, and were then totally defeated.
The victorious Nations got together, formed the United Nations, declared that National Socialism would never again besmirch the world, but the collegial diplomats did NOTHING to protect their planet.
Today, we have the "New" World Order, a shadowy group very much dedicated to achieving the same goals of Socialism that were defeated 74 years ago and were outlawed by those United Nations 70 years ago.
In the meanwhile, the United Nations has now become the biggest enabler of National Socialism, which masquerades as other things, but on it's face, real socialism can't hide it's face, even when it tries hard to do that.
We're about to have another war to defeat Socialism right here in this USA, and the "New" World Order will see to it that the war is again, a World War.
My father fought in WW2, won that VICTORY, and passed the ensuing Mantle of Peace down to me. I did MY military duty and protected it, as best as I could, and the Oaths I swore are as sacred as the Oaths my father swore before me and my Daughter swore after me.
Every day, in many ways, the "New" World Order of Socialism tries to blunt my Oath, and I will eventually have to take up arms again to make good on that Oath.
The "New" World Order has an objective: after destroying the world as we now know it, rebuild a nation-less global society, no borders, no ethnic differences, total fealty to the Order and it's leaders. There are over 6.5 billion people on this planet now, and the "New" World Order has decided that all but a billion of them are surplus, and famines and war is the best way to reduce the populations to their target level. Oh, abortion, also.
Maybe 30-50 people sit in the top rank of the "New" World Order, and at their behest, five and a half billion people must die, if their goal is to be met.
Unless that 30-50 people in the "New" World Order top rank dies first, the depopulation of the planet will happen.
YOU face a choice of whose side to take in this conflict.
I'm already sworn as to which side I will take.
Yes, the choice has come down to this.
I also swore that same oath. While I ended up being rejected for service, my oath meant something to me, and also to my father before me, and my son after me, who is due to be discharged after 6 and a half years of service just after Christmas. I don't want to see a civil war, but to be honest, I believe that it has already started, except for the shooting.
How low our republic has sunk, that it allows such leftist socialists to rule over us. May God have His hands on our cause.
Posted by: pigpen51 | November 16, 2019 at 18:53
I too remember my oath - and will honor it.
Posted by: Merle | October 31, 2019 at 10:26