As I turn my pundit's eyes on this, I see Trump in la-la-land. In a dream, he has convinced himself that Turkey will be a better ally then the Kurds.
Yes, the Kurds ARE fickle, have fought for both sides against the middle, but in the end, we KNOW what the Kurds want: they want a Kurdistan, a homeland.
Few follow Ergodan close enough to know what he really wants: he wants to be Caliph in his version of an Islamic Caliphate.
Now think about each those two results as a separate outcome: a Kurdistan, where Christians would be welcome, or a Caliphate, where they wouldn't be? Easy enough for me to decide, and frankly, I can't understand a lot of my smarter friends, Trump supporters all, not seeing this obvious fork in the road.
Islam is an irrestible force, implacable because their "Holy Writ", the Qu'ran, orders them to keep converting everyone to Islam until there are no more Infidels left. Those they can't convert must be put to the sword. Now, my Trump-Tight friends, just what part of THAT nightmare scenario will be fixed by "Fortress America"?
Nope, because the West failed to REMOVE Islam when it had the chance, a thousand and more years ago, we ARE stuck in a forever war TODAY. If we just beat feet as Trump wants to do, Islam wins again, in Syria, gets stronger, and eventually gobbles up that Nation, which is now secular, not Islamist.
It's our turn to be gobbled up next, if we don't put some hurt on the fundamentalist Mullahs, BAD hurt, and we can't do that from inside our own borders unless we want to go nuclear on them. Look at our own "fiftth column", the Democratic Party. Pro-Islam all the way, they are ON RECORD as favoring acceptance of Islam over our Constitution, which the Founders wrote so as to EXCLUDE Islam.
As I see Trump, the human being, he has a very "human" fault: he wants to be Mister Nice Guy. His mistake here was simply trying Nice before Necessity.
hopefully he will switch to "necessity" once "nice" fails!
Posted by: Merle | October 22, 2019 at 10:49