Twenty-plus years ago, a $58 million bond was floated to built a new jail for Multnomah county, which I worked for as a Deputy Sheriff at the time. The big jail was built, on industrial land out on the North Peninsula of Portland, but it never opened. Instead, the anti-police (communist) County Government started restricting the Sheriff's number of jail beds.
The Wapato jail became a surplus property, and was eventually sold, and all 13 acres of industrial land it sat on, to the scrap-steel baron of Portland, Jordan Schnitzer, for only $5 million. During the political fooferaw over selling the perfectly-good facility, it was suggested that for a resonable sum, that Jail could be converted into a "homeless shelter". Of course it could! It has a huge kitchen to feed the Homeless Horde, rooms to give them classes in and many dormitories easily converted to sleeping areas. It had a sizeable Infirmary for medical treatment, too. The perfect Homeless shelter, so why wasn't it done?
Enter the emotions the liberloons are well-noted for. We began to hear passionate speeches about hurting the FEELINGS of the Homeless Horde, about how ISOLATED the facility was...
WAIT! Isolated, IS the key this facility wasn't re-pourposed. Read on, my liberty-loving friends...
Those fine folks of PDX don't understand the political motivation of Madam Deborah Kafoury, or they wouldn't be puzzled. Multnomah County Commission leader Kafoury is politically VERY far left. Too far left to be called a traditional liberal, even.
Madam Kafoury is a Socialist, and since she wields her power by fiat, not consent, that makes her a communist. Not a "big-C" communist, she's a snake and won't admit her actual leanings, but a communist nevertheless.
What class of people do communists HAVE to convert to their thinking if communism is to succeed?
Right, the proletariat, the middle class. How do you control the middle class if you are a communist? By taking things away from them: you take away their money by over-taxation, you take away their guns, their property rights, but above all, you must take away their SENSE OF SECURITY! Deborah Kafoury has been at the forefront of Multnomah County's efforts to remove all these middle-class values.
Have you figured out WHY there are so many "homeless" on the street? Over 80% of them have serious mental deficiencies, need STRUCTURE in their lives, but the commies refuse that service to these unfortunates. Why?
Because the Homeless Hordes are communist SOLDIERS, that's why. Their very disorderly existance among the orderly middle class creates that INSECURITY that Madam Kafoury needs to perfect her plan to put the liberty-minded middle class under her commie thumb. Have you ever asked yourself WHY the government tolerates the whacko disorder of the "homeless" in the first place? WHY that government, which has no problem projecting all manner of CONTROL onto the middle class, can't seem to project ANY control onto the "homeless"?
It's because these thousands of crazies infesting our otherwise quiet and stable neighborhoods in Portland are there for a REASON, and that reason is to constantly conflict with we, the residents of those neighborhoods. That constant conflict we are forced into destroys our sense of security, and that is exactly what Madam Kafoury wants. With our security destroyed, Madam Kafoury can then exert control over us to "give us back our security".
No, had Wapato been converted to a homeless shelter/treatment center, it would have taken in up to 2,000 of these crazies and started giving them a normal life, guiding them on their path to a middle-class existance. That's a sizeable fraction of the homeless horde in our area. That would be the very antithesis of what Madam Kafoury wants, so it won't be done, and instead, the junk-baron Jordan Schnitzer will soon have his warehouse to make money with.
You might wonder why that jail was built in the first place. That's a story for another day, but meanwhile, look up the "broken window theory". More on this later.
Yep, another fine example of wasting taxpayer dollars - to suit an agenda!
Posted by: Merle | October 17, 2019 at 12:26