Yes, yes, I know it hasn't started yet, but it will and within the next 400 days, too.
It's interesting. The Democrats are using the same failed playbook for "Impeachment" as they did to try to stop the confirmation of SCOTUS Associate Justice Kavanaugh: when no dirt can actually be dug up, make up some.
The "whistleblowers" have a valuable role for the GOPe. They all point out the fallacy of letting the enemy remain within your ranks after you assume command.
I see a WORSE threat to this Nation than a House Impeachment of President Trump now.
The same gaggle of commie gabbling-geese Obama left-overs that has ruined Trump's ability to control the State Department, the Office of Attorney General, and several other Federal fiefdoms, is still there, lurking in our Nation's military branches.
That cabal is collectively known as the Obama Generals and Admirals. Obama knew that he would never have complete control of the Federal Government until he got complete control of the Military, so he very quickly fired our best war-fighter Flag officers and replaced them with his own "yes-men". Over 200 perfectly patriotic and judgmentally-sound General Officers were retired and younger, less-experienced Obama-faithful officers were given their duties. You iknow the results: Social Engineering to the max; Rules of Engagement which don't allow combat-engaged soldiers to return fire; "arresting" radical Islamists instead of just killing them in combat, etc, ad nauseam. All from Obama's mind on "how to do war".
All those Obama Generals and Admirals are still there, and when the proverbial feces hits the rotating blades of the ventilation machine (in the approaching Civil War), then President Trump tries to restore order using the military, he will not be able to. Some of those Obama Generals and Admirals will work effectively at blunting and disreagarding those lawful Orders of the Commander-in-Chief.
Every GOPe President since Eisenhower made this same mistake: assuming that simply being elected and sworn in as the Chief Executive meant that they actually RAN the Nation.
None of those GOPe CEOs actually have RUN the country in detail, and the lurking, backstabbing Democrats have refined their "Resistance" to where their words in directing it sound just like a dictator's orders to his minions. Rep Tlaib of MI wants the US Marshal's Service to plan on how they are going to arrest Trump supporters when the Democrats steal the election win. She has already declared supporting Trump to be a Federal Crime, evidently without a Statute of Limitations. No such law exists, of course, but she indicates that will happen.
This Nation will see Civil War within one year and one month, and the historians chronicling it (I hope to be one of those) will note that the Democrats' power to open that War stemmed directly from the GOPe's failure to actually CONTROL the vast Federal bureaucracy politically when it had the chance to do so.
What a waste! Millions will die, the Nation will be fractured for the next 150 years, and all because the GOPes were simple dreamers, unable to accept the true level of Democrat perfidy. What a waste!
Kind of sad, isn't it?
Posted by: Merle | October 06, 2019 at 15:47