Patriots can ignore this post, it's meant for Liberals.
One day soon, well before this Nation gets into the lazy, hazy days of summer, every adult in the country will be forced by circumstances mostly NOT under their control to make a stark choice: when the shooting starts for the now-inevitable Civil War, which side will you join up to fight for?
Sitting it out will NOT be an option. The fighting will be nasty, CV-19 will be a walk in the park by comparison.
First of all, you will have to feed yourself and your loved ones. This will be a logistical war. Think the TP shortage, only all the FOOD will be gone, not just paper products and hand sanitizer. After the first week of war, there will be no more food, then the combatants will begin killing each other for food supplies.
Regardless of your political persuasion, you'd better make some war-buddy alliances. Start a Militia if you have the leadership skills to run it. If not, find one and JOIN it, following ORDERS of your leaders. Those orders WILL involve you risking your life on a frequent basis to accomplish the missions of that Militia.
Liberals, in case you still believe that your political leaders wouldn't START a Civil War, you're wrong. They already HAVE started it. All large-scale wars start on economic bases, and the Democratic Party decided to destroy this Nation's economy to serve their end of destroying the Nation's President, Mr. Trump.
Such a broad-scale plan of national treachery can't be called anything but war. Most of the large-scale wars of the past two centuries started with a lot less provocation than #PlanDemic.
The Left outnumbers the Right in total people available to fight, but the Right has the Force Multiplier: millions of experienced military veterans, most of them well-armed. They will count coup at least five-to-one over the Left.
The Left is doomed to lose this war, mostly because their only potential ally which could make a difference, China, is 6500 miles away, and lacks the ability to project their large army over that distance in the face of our Navy and Air Force.
No, the Left will have to slug it out in the cities, and the Right will control the logistical infrastructure, and will simply starve the Left out. The Right will let the Left have the Cities, with their starvation and disease. CV-19 Version 2, will kill far more of the Left's forces off than the well-aimed bullets from the Right's rifles.
The only controversial thing about this post is that this future should have been obvious to the Left for the last 3 years, but they just kept making sharper Left turns, and now have succeeded in creating the perfect Loxodromic Curve, in which they've flown up their own butts.
Can this war be forestalled? Possibly, but the Left's leaders, worldwide, would have to, in the next week or so, admit that they've warred on Trump and his 63 million voters, totally fold up the #scamdemic, and offer reparations to repair the damage caused so far. Political momentum says that won't happen, so now the world WILL experience World War Three and degenerate into smaller nation-states, NONE of which will be the Socialist Utopias the Left was trying for.
Most will be city-states run by warlords. Global commerce won't recover for at least a century. Your cell phone won't work after July. It will be a beans and bullets barter system in what's left of the USA.
You won't want to live here anymore, Liberals, but the rest of the planet will be worse off.
You made your bed, now lie in it, Liberals.
If any Patriots got this far in my post, remember, save one bullet for yourself. The Warrior's Code says we have that right.
May God have mercy on our Souls.
Post-script: Hard copy available in case the Left can't stand to face the future they brought and shuts my account down. If you want one, most know where to find me, for the next two weeks anyway, after which it won't matter who is writing History, will it?
I can't help but wonder if enough of those currently sleeping will wake up in time to make a difference?
Posted by: Merle | April 18, 2020 at 08:40
It may not be as rough as that.
I would think a number of assassinations from folks with nothing left to lose or fed up would maybe, maybe wake up the libs to forestall all out war.
Then again, I have been wrong a lot in my life.
I have nothing left to lose.
Prayers for your wife and daughter.
Posted by: Skip | April 16, 2020 at 20:21