Look at these stats from car-conscious Germany: when the Federal government withdrew the huge subsidies for EVs, sales of them dropped by almost 40%.
That stat might have prompted Forbes, a spokes-mouth for Elites, to put up this prognostication.
The skeletons are coming out of the closet for the EV industry. Lying about range, lying about recharge times, lying about battery safety, the shortage of Level 3 charge points, all those contribute to doubts. then there are EV fires to worry about.
A nail in the coffin for EVs will be the fact that the Government can sent a digital signal to make your EV refuse to charge. Can't recharge, you're grounded. If you are one of the few patriots who bought/leased an EV, that will be your fate when the balloon goes up, although to be fair, ALL vehicles built in the last 5 years or so are capable of being stopped via their satellite links to "Mother Maintenance".