Andrew Selsky, an ancient progressive journalist, now writing for AssPress, pens a column about an old black man who got out of prison, never admitting his guilt.
My warning is about the reasoning involved in the decision, and how easy it will be now for Soros-bought Prosecutors to cite this concept, revealed in the money-quote:
"Prosecutors asked the Marion County Circuit Court to dismiss the case, saying the state no longer believes it can prove guilt based on how much time has passed since the murder of Harriet Thompson."
All those polital DAs have to do now is say the testimony available is too weak or indistinct, then they don't have to prosecute. Victims get no day in court.
The way Justice worked before now was on TRUST. The citizenry TRUSTED that the testimony offered in a case was the best available, and when sentence was pronounced after the guilty verdict, the TRUST remained and the perp remained in prison.
Not any more. The Marion County DA's remark signals the death of Trust, and it will never be retrieved in Oregon.
I read Selsky's column. He said nothing about evidence that Johnson had committed the murder, aside from Johnson's "walking down the driveway". I can't form an opinion about it without knowing more. What evidence was there that Johnson had actually done it? What was Johnson's local reputation, if any, at the time? What reason, if any, did the defense attorney give for not calling Hubbard to testify? What was Hubbard's reputation, if any?
Your point about trust is well taken. My trust in lefty "reporters" is near the level of my trust in stopped clocks.
Posted by: Daniel K Day | September 08, 2023 at 09:17