After watching more UniParty spin on Fox news this bright, sunny morning in Stumptown, I felt compelled to point out something that I and a few other more astute political observers have known for a long time - there is a HUGE difference between those who favor the expansion of Global Trade from our shores and those who favor the expansion of Global Government, both here and overseas.
I will put this as simply as I can, because the One-World-Order types, the "Globalists", usually attempt to cloak their support of Global Government in the fog of international trade.
Today, I listened to a "Cloaker", Laura Ingraham, discuss "Global Strategy" with the Fox News Sunday guest anchor, James Rosen. The political subject at hand was the de-certification of Iran's compliance with the idiotarian deal that the then-appeaser-in-chief, Barack Obama, made with the Mad Mullahs. President Trump's world-view on this deal includes ALL the global perfidy of Islamist Iran, not just their bob-and-weave stance on nuclear inspection. The European Government has not changed THEIR world-view on Iran since they agreed with Obama's appeasement of the mullahs and they are horrified that Trump seems to be dismantling the Neville-Chamberlain-ish appeasement treaty right before their shit-in-their-own-messkit leaders' eyes. Europe threw Israel under their double-decker bus-wheels years ago, in fact, I was there when, in 1956, the Brits failed to defeat militant Egypt and the Suez Crisis resulted, a scant eight years into the life of the Jewish State's existence. Europe is afraid of Iran. Yes, a few Iranian missiles COULD reach Europe, but both France and England have nuclear missile subs and could easily destroy Iran five times over. Iran may or may not have nukes to tip those missiles yet, depends on who you listen to. I listen to Israel, and they don't seem to be too worried just yet. There really is NO basis for the present EU worry and defiance of Trump, they ought to be jumping aboard his de-certification bandwagon, but instead, they oppose it.
Hmmmm. It makes NO sense for Europe to oppose de-cert, so why are they doing it?
The only answer for the Europeans' Iran de-cert reticence which makes sense is Trump's opposition to Globalism, and his expansion of US Global Trade. The EU (Common Market), far from being the trading powerhouse it claimed it was going to build some forty years ago, is a paper tiger. EU goods are not competitive, for the most part, because of taxes the EU imposes to support their member-state's socialist money-hunger. The Chinese have beaten the Europeans in their own market, likewise the Japanese, the Thais, etc, etc. We don't do too badly over there, either (see Ford cars).
The lesson for today, then, is just this: whenever you see the word "Global" in front of anything, start parsing the words of the speaker, but first, think for a few seconds about their motives. Are they the One-World-Order type? If they are, a complete line of horse-puckey follows. If they talk Global Trade, but are really boosting globalISM, they are NOT, repeat, NOT a conservative. Write them out of your life.