That experiment was my dalliance with "social media". I don't consider the blogs "social media" because they are too slow for that purpose. I had already gotten off of Twitter, because, well, it got too full of Twits. Not funny, you humorless drones say? Well, I guess you don't tweet then...
I was much more heavily involved in Facebook; it got to where I gave up at least 3 waking hours a day to it. It was the better social medium than Twitter: I could be brief, and usually was, or I could bloviate. It was easy to add pictures. It was easy to get personal: I put probably 50 pictures of my cat on there. I got intensely political, and unlike some of my friends' pages, few trolls wasted their time on mine because I sorted that shit out quickly. This blog and it's 5,800+ comments over 13 years were good training for that.
So, what drove me off Facebook? Easy, I'm intense about my dislike of pushy marketing, and that's what Facebook has become: a medium for Zuckerbugger (did I spell that right?) to turn MY personal Facebook page into HIS billboard. I might even have put up with THAT, except for good measure, Z-buggerer turned my page into a COMMUNIST billboard, putting up ads on it for all sort of lefty-causes. He threw several of my Facebook Friends in "Facebook Jail" (suspended their right to post) for daring to express opinions, WITH PROOF, that the medium's fave leftie causes were illogical crap. Day before yesterday, I spent two hours deleting ads from my News-feed. Now, for the first three years I used this medium, I averaged maybe one ad ON my News-feed per 20 posts I would put up or my friends would put up (not the side-bar ads, they were always there). I could stand that level of annoyance. After yesterday, in which that ratio rose from 1 in 20 to 60 in 100, I pulled the plug.
My first reaction in the post-FB day: what do I do with the extra time I have for myself now!