From the Coyote Kid, who notes that these environazis may be long on enthusiasm, but they are woefully short on smarts.
Environazi attack planning:
1. Pick the next four people in the cell seeking placement in the Environazi Hall of Fame.
2. Gather equipment: bicycle u-locks and chain to chain the protestors to the target, also some glue to create further mischief.
3. Transport selves to target, an eeevilll Fracking Energy Company gas station.
4. While proprietor is distracted, chain selves to the gas pumps, deploy the glue to further damage the equipment.
5. Smile for the cameras of the sympatico news media, read the official and obligatory statement condemming fracking and other non-socialist activities.
6. Wait for the constabulary, who had to spend a lot of time delicately cutting locks and chains off of protesters.
7. Declare a victory in the name of Gaia.
According to this report, the op plan was flawlessly executed, save for one thing: the gas station these environazis attacked didn't belong to the eeevilll targeted Fracking Energy Company anymore, it belonged to an individual private person, one Mr. Patel.
In one swell foop, these e-nazis have not only made laughingstocks of themselves and their cause, they attacked the property of a friendly foreign-born person. These Indian immigrants have sufficient numbers and cohesiveness in England to cause grave political consequences for any who attack them. They are the equivalent of our Latin voting bloc.
Sic semper tyrannis.