Jay Leno had Bob Costas on last night, after mega-whore Kate Hudson.
Costas started with a straight-up report on the Affair de A-Rod. Costas DOES know his sportz gossip, I'll give him that much.
Viewers could see the direction this was all going when next, Costas talked about criminal thuggishness in professional sports, using the Hernandez example. Then Jay Leno had a mouth-fumble (perhaps deliberate) and instead of saying "Thug" said "Gun Thug". Bob Costas then launched into a standard anti-gun routine.
First, he gave a very short, half-assed apology for the tone of his remark last fall when he last ran the Constitution into the ground. Then he "affirmed" the Second Amendment in the style of Joe Biden, who doesn't accept that self-defense is a portable right and goes with every citizen wherever they are, not just in their homes, according to the SCOTUS in the Heller decision three years ago.
Then, all this 2A-bashing prep out of the way, Costas delivers his punchline, "If you think you have to go out to dinner with a Glock stuck in your waistband, there's something wrong with you." All of the anti-gun wusses share this opinion, associating personal defense, THE HUMAN RIGHT, with a make-believe personality defect.
Costas obviously has learned nothing in almost a year since his last PR blunder on this subject. He is still a human-rights denier and bigot.
Jay Leno doesn't have any excuse, though. It's almost as if Leno WANTED Costas to reach out with his gun-grabbing, Constitution-negating ideas, because Leno then led a round of applause, applause which included a back-pan wide shot so the camera could take in the whore Kate Hudson applauding, too. Seems like about half the audience applauded to the minimum, but THEY DID NOT CHEER.
From that, Leno ought to take notice: being against the Constitution doesn't get lots of laughs.
Costas, of course, is simply a Mark One Mod Zero gun-banner who has too much exposure.
Leno, as a gun-banner, is about to slip into obscurity when his show goes away next year.
Here's an award for Leno and Costas: The Effinger, and the status of an Enemy of America.
I guess I shouldn't leave the whore Kate Hudson out, either, so she get Dummy of the Week. I give her the lesser award because as a whore, she is not culturally supposed to spend a lot of time in Civics classes, but instead, spend it making money on her back and with her body, which she does quite well.