Up with the first of the fleet of garbage wagons this ayem, get the newspaper in: the fishwrap is blaring MORE WaPo #FakeNews in huge headline font. My reaction is to look at the calendar and see when my next gun maintenance cycle starts, but then starting my Twitter app, it seems that I might be using my Militia hardware before that maintenance cycle plays out....
The USA is at war now.
The Left, now far more organized and coordinated than they were during the election cycle last Fall, now consider themselves in a fight for their very political existence. Apparently, they failed to realize just how fast their two generations of dragging USA-governance towards Marxism could be undone by a determined American POTUS who was NOT sucked in by that political religion.
The Left realizes their error now, and after gnashing their teeth over HRC's loss for six months, they have reverted to the one thing the Left does FAR better than other political units: they can re-organize quickly to meet external threats.
They have re-organized now, and they march as a cohesive force with ONE objective: removal of POTUS45 from office. Sean Hannity pushed this last night, very concisely, too. My problem with Hannity is his communication style: he leads up to making an obvious point, then leaves his audience to write the punchline. That is poor communications. Sean, old buddy, you have to finish your point. You didn't, so I will.
Hannity's "five groups" all have something in common besides TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). They are all, by their choice of political bedfellows, working for world Marxism. Yes, that includes some who call themselves Republicans (Never-Trumpers), it includes the core leadership of the Democratic Party, and it includes all the "bi-partisan" forces within the Beltway (all the NGOs, etc). This group could also be referred to by the more-benign titles of "UniParty", "One World Order", "Globalists", "Establishment", etc. The core distinction of the entire Uniparty is that their train travels on Socialist rails.
World Marxism is in it's Second Phase. It's First Phase was to establish itself as a political force, and despite the Socialist Party failing to govern effectively EVERYWHERE it has been installed (or installed itself, as with the USSR), it is very persistent, because it plays to the personal greed of all the Little People. In this space, we call those Little People the Free Shit Army. Socialism doesn't work, but by buying votes in Nations stupid enough to give the vote to stupid people, Socialism can almost always get itself elected. When it can't, it just pulls Deadly Force out of it's bag of tricks and installs itself anyway. The Second Phase will be mostly Revolution, most of the time. Nothing else is left to the failed Marxists.
In the USA, we just elected an anti-Marxist. Our election process is mostly un-assailable by the sort of rabble attacks it has undergone for the past six months, but now that the Left has focus, it's trying to use the Twenty-Fifth Amendment to remove POTUS45 from office. This Amendment has never been used. It was generated two years after the assassination of JFK, because it was thought that the period of hours between the bullet striking JFK's head and the declaration of death in Dallas was a hyper-dangerous time for the USA, and some method ought to be available to make sure Presidential leadership succession was guaranteed to be available.
The gist of the Left's argument, shallow as it is, is contained in Section Four of the 25A:
Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.
The Left believes that if all of Hannity's Five Groups came together, they could, in Congress, be the "other such body as the law provides". This is bulltwaddle, of course. The Congress would have to write, debate and send to POTUS45 a Bill for an Act to make themselves that "body". POTUS would veto it, then there would have to be an over-ride attempt, which would fail. Sound and fury signifying nothing. Along the way, the SCOTUS would be asked to get involved. That would fail also. Even a Liberal SCOTUS would never directly remove a sitting President, to do so would mean the End of the Republic, and they know it. SCOTUS' cushy positions would end quickly, as USA, Version 2.0 would be unlikely to maintain a Federal Judiciary & SCOTUS as they sit today.
So, the War on POTUS, as it is brought now, is doomed to failure. EVERY student of conflict style, as I claim to be, can see this failure. The left has their own conflict analysts, some of them quite good, so why would they even try this stunt?
The answer is to generate confusion and class conflict. Marx was all about that concept. Read this short paper and you will know why this struggle is about Marxism, and only about Marxism. Marxism is about the Struggle. There must always be a Struggle for there to be Marxism.
Marxism is VERY vulnerable. It doesn't succeed often because for it to succeed, it HAS to use force, so despite Marx' and Engels' scholarly approach, it takes a Stalin to emplace Marxism. Here in the USA, the vast majority does NOT want to see or undergo a Marxist revolution, but the Left is speeding towards that conclusion of their offer of conflict to POTUS45.
My prediction? We WILL see a Marxist revolt break out, but when it does, it will fail spectacularly. How we come out of that failure will show the world the resilience of the American Way.