.the most important man in the world, but I bet I can name him.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel.
Okay, you say, he's got a few nukes, a well-trained military, but he also has as enemies every single Islamic Republic in the world. He's got a helluva box built around him right now, you say, and you are correct.
Netanyahu holds the wild cards in the biggest poker game of all: the US presidential election.
Think about it.
I have yet another report of the IDF's movement in Israel, and this report says that Israeli armor is moving towards the Sinai, my guess would be to stalemate the Egyptian military, which, under the Islamist President Borsi, can be counted to try to take the Sinai as a side-door into Israel in the coming conflict.
So, Netanyahu is about to force the hand of the most anti-semitic President since FDR. When Israel goes to war, Obama will resist helping him. That will cost Obama the election, period. Full Stop.
Oh, it might also cost the Democrats control of the Senate, because never again will a single Jew vote Democratic, the party of the betrayal of their home.