Last day of this mis-begotten year. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Dust-bin of history, and all that rot.
The big news, of course, is that the Left's stranglehold on governance has been broken, and their destruction of what (formerly) made this Nation great, an orderly, planned destruction, will soon end. There will be some carry-over, and it will have to be watched, so this post devotes itself now to the tracking of that carry-over.
One word: Obama.
President Obama has let us know that he intends to stick around Warshington (that's how the locals pronounce it) and do what used to be called "fifth-column" work. That is to say, he will publicly snipe at the efforts of the Trump Administration to Make America Great Again, but privately, he will do worse. His work will amount to another old term, little-used now - sedition. He will work hard enough to undermine the Trump Administration that I feel fairly confident he will cross the line into active sedition.
Now, before my legal-beagle buddies get all over me and crow that the former Alien and Sedition Acts were tossed by the SCOTUS years ago, I know that, so thank you in advance for your criticism. The concept of Sedition still exists, and it violates all sort of rules, mostly in the civil-liability realm.
The main, and current item of this sedition is the importation of the Muslims, most of whom will never become Americans, their only intent is to form separate Muslim enclaves and when they are strong enough in numbers, take over the country. This process is called Hijrah, and it is described in their Q'uran. It's not a secret process, as the Q'uran shows us, it is openly discussed, it is openly taught in Madrassas, or schools for young Muslims. It's a disaster, as we must have realized by now, from the European experiences with it. In Europe, the invaders have formed thug-squads, and they openly harass those Christian societies in the worst religious violence since the Nazis persecuted the Jews.
This must not happen here, and if Mr. Trump is listening, here is a simple process to make sure it doesn't happen here.
- Identify and track ALL Islamic immigrants. This might involve identifying and tracking ALL immigrants, or it probably won't pass muster in the uber-leftoid Federal Court system. To accomplish this tracking, Trump will have to come to us and ask his American citizens to help him: i.e. call this phone number with information on non-assimilating Muslim immigrants in your neighborhood.
- Pass Federal legislation requiring tracking of ALL immigrants until they achieve Naturalization or go home to their countries of origin. Require immigrants to regularly report their statuses, and deport them immediately when they fail to report.
- Get some HUMINT (Human-based intel) going. We need information, and the mosques are a good place to start, on what the non-assimilating immigrants are doing and what groups they are forming.
- As groups with demonstrated hostile intent are found, bust them and deport their entire memberships, immediately. If Obama can do mass importations of these Hijrah hoseheads, Trump can do mass deportations of them.
The discerning reader will note that the program to control Hijrah can also be used to control the Latin invasion. One size does fit all in immigration control, and as I said before, that's probably the only way any immigration control is going to happen, anyway.
Since I like to end my posts on a positive note, if Hijrah does create problems, we have this one great leveler in America - our Civil Courts. Every person directly affected by Hijrah needs to sue Mr. Obama, personally, since he was, is and will continue to be the driving force behind Hijrah. The liberal courts will beat most of the early civil-liability efforts down, but one or two will get through in the less-liberal jurisdictions, and when they do, Obama is a gone goose.
Come to think of it, why couldn't we all sue Obama (and a few leftoids before him) for the damaging effects of unchecked immigration of ALL flavors?
Aaaahhhhhh. Pleasant thoughts to end 2016 on...