Note: that title can NOT mean "Islamic Terrorism and how to END it", because until and unless the entire Qu'ran is re-written to exclude it's main inclusionary theme of "convert or die", defeating Islamic Terrorism is not possible if ONE true believer is left alive with freedom to move around. The best we non-islamics can do is corner the Islamist killers in far-away places, applying continual and heavy enough force to keep them cornered.
The Paris attacks of 11-13-2015 are significant, because many citizens in many free nations will now realize the serious difficulty of keeping their citizens safe.
This question must be answered: What does it take to convince the leaders, parliaments, congresses and judiciaries of these free nations to put their War Faces on and effectively fight Islamism in toto?
Your blogger has had plenty of military leadership training, including (enlisted) Basic Leadership School, advanced leadership courses such as Train the Trainer, etc; (Commissioned officer) Officer Training School, Squadron Officer School (didn't finish it, skipped to Air Command & Staff College instead, per regulation). All these schools prepared me the same way, to manage conflict and lead people in conflict with a goal of winning the conflict. I received many more months of training in conflict management as a Deputy Sheriff; about 9 months' worth of formal training including 9 graduate hours of Abnormal Psych courses.
So much for me. I can lead, but I'm a bit too old to take the field, except in a gross emergency, but perhaps not all my readers have my handicaps, so here's what THIS Major thinks will work and what won't work, in short-format:
- Works: First, Identify the Enemy. People, you MUST know who you are fighting. Simple concept, yes? Simple enough, but our President REFUSES to utter the words "Islamic Terrorist". Since elected, he has "talked around" the issue of enemy identification. His obfuscation here has hurt our cause by diluting our efforts in the eyes of the Islamic world.
- Works: Partner with all prospective allies, and engage THEM as well as yourself. We have done a poor job here as well. WE are the "spine" of NATO, and NATO has paid lip-service only to the idea of fighting Islamism. Russia could be a great partner, but we have maneuvered them into the position of enemy instead - a huge mistake.
- Works: Show your Flag. Flags have one purpose, to raise emotions for a cause. This Cause is perhaps the most important that all of Civilized Earth has ever faced, and the cause itself deserves a flag, but figuratively, our leadership has prohibited flag-making.
- Works: Armor up. This is a basic, grunt-level war. Where is the USA's vaunted wartime production? There isn't any. Where is the large Army which will be needed? Our leaders are shrinking it, not building it up. Where is the military Intelligence apparatus required for this fight? Mostly missing, and what is there is riddled with spies for Islam.
What needs re-working? Here, we might do better by simply taking the brightest 10% of Second Lieutenants with fresh "butter-bars" and give them the job of re-working our military mission against Radical Islam. They WILL do a better job than all the PeeCee Generals we have running the show right now.
- Fails: We support the Enemy. Our current Foreign Policy supports Islamic nations, including most of the nations which bring this Jihad, this "Holy War", to the shores of our free Nations.
- Fails: We have NOT partnered with all our prospective allies, and those we HAVE partnered with cannot abide our present leadership and it's failures in this war.
- Fails: We don't HAVE a flag. We have Leaders who don't even show proper respect for our National Flag, let alone any possible anti-Islamist flags.
- Fails: We have relegated our Military to idiotic roles in this "fight". Senator Cruz said that we are only flying 20 to 30 air missions per day against ISIS, where we used 1,100 per day against Saddam Hussein during the Gulf War. What Cruz DIDN'T say was that 80% of the missions we DO fly are coming back with the bombs still on the wings because of insane Rules of Engagement, so we may actualy be dropping bombs from less than 5 aircraft per day. Russia, on the other hand, is flying DOZENS of missions per day, and all their aircraft come back in condition Winchester*.
This advice Ain't No Big Thing, as the troops used to say in MY war, Vietnam. No big thing, very elemental, but until we begin to respect the knowledge and leadership which starts with Corporals and Second Lieutenants, we will continue to LOSE this war. Losing is not an option if we are to remain Free Nations. The price of losing is that we will LOSE OUR FREEDOM.
*Condition Winchester. USAF fighter-pilot slang for "out of ammo".