Numerology! Edition # 10 published on the Tenth!
Thud the First: Is the sound of an occasional Marine hitting a bar-room floor tonight, passing out from the sheer joy of celebrating the birthday (OK, and the effect of the spirits, too!). That's permitted by USMC tradition, since today is the Birthday of the USMC, the 236th.
Thud the Second: Whatever made that thudding sound over at my s.i.l.'s place wasn't him hitting the floor, he doesn't imbibe. Oh, yes, it must have been the nurse-daughter, A USMC Desert Storm veteran...she has TWO reasons to celebrate, the USMC birthday AND her hub's. Happy Birthday, Wally!
Thud the Third: This is actually an "un-thud". Ron Paul, Sr, has hit the floor with many of his strange ideas on past occasions, but he made up for a lot of those past errors with his correct assessment of the Obama Presidency: becoming an "elective dictatorship". Right on, Ron!
Thud the Fourth: Is the sound of riot baton upside Flea Party knees (no head strikes!) a Thud! or just a Squish! Inquiring minds want to know, but it's beginning to look like we won't have to wait much longer to find out here in Stumptown. Two of the City Commishes, Nick Fish (the only one resembling a Law & Order commissioner, and he's not much of one) and Amanda Fritz, once firmly on the Mayor's pro-Flea Party side, have called for an end to the "occupations". The Police Chief has been told to have the eviction plan ready immediately, and he has said that it IS ready. We have a miserable week of cold rain in the forecast for Friday night through the next 5 days, at least, and that will provide some impetus for the departure of the Flea Party. My prediction: Hizzoner will congratulate all the protesters, tell them they did a fine job of awakening the City and Nation to the Evils of Capitalism, and now it's time to leave, then he will set a deadline, heavy on the kudos, and he will barely whisper the deadline at his presser. That deadline will pass, and a new deadline will be set, and sometime after THAT deadline the police will clear out the camp. My prediction, probably not before the end of next week, but definitely before Turkey Day, because the core area will have to be cleaned and sanitized for the Christmas Shopping season (which has really started already). Not taking any bets on how peacefully it will end, remembering that this town is known as "Little Beruit".
Thud the Fifth: Is the sound of Prohibition-era liquor regulation finally hitting the bottom of the dustbin of history in Washington State. Initiative #1183 passed, 60-40%, and now, big grocery stores there may sell booze. This will accelerate the end of Oregon's Prohibition-era system also (and will accelerate me crossing the bridge to buy my hooch, one bottle at a time, of course, I am law-abiding <;~). Both States operate their own Liquor Stores, which are known as Green Fronts here in Ory-gun, because their front windows used to have the lower half painted a bilious seafoam-green so the little kiddies couldn't stand on the sidewalk outside the store and admire the hooch. The curious thing about the expensive campaign to make this change to dump the so-called "liquor socialism" across the Rivah is that it featured the opposition claiming the benefits of Prohibition all over again. Every time I saw one of the opposition's ads (most paid for by Seagrams, which had a fat contract they will now lose), I screamed at the TeeVee, "you Idiots, we got rid of Prohibition 80 years ago in this country, get off my TeeVee". We'll have to go through the whole thing again now in Oregon, with Costco, Inc footing the pro-private sales initiative, and Seagrams opposing it.
Thud the Sixth: Is the sound of Penn State's athletic program, and maybe some of their scholarship foundations as well, hitting the floor and not getting up. As this pundit sees it, Joe Paterno was hired to run a football program, not be detective-in-charge of a sex abuse investigation, even if it did involve one of his staff. He complied with the law, and informed his superior of the NAMBLA-type incident brought to his attention. The PSU Administration dragged their feet in handling the matter, so somehow, POOF!, Joe-Pa is supposed to drop everything and pin a star on his chest to follow up where the PSU Administration and the local authorities just failed? I don't think so, and as a matter of fact, I don't think so enough to suggest that PSU donors with-hold their donations in protest at this scapegoating of Joe-Pa. I think such with-holding is going to happen anyway, but if the reports of the students rioting in support of Joe-Pa last night are any indication, the school will now be in more trouble, financial trouble, than it ever would have been if it just allowed Joe-Pa to quietly retire at the end of the football year three weeks from now. The uber-correct sportz press can just kiss my ass, too. Their coffers were well-lined by the discussion, which they themselves raised to a fever-pitch, so THEIR hands aren't exactly clean, either. Here's an article depicting the events of last night, but note how the holier-than-thou and victims-rule attitudes come through in the writing. I'm ready to puke. The cretin Sandusky just needs to be whipped to death and have his body thown in a pig-sty, that's all. A Grand Jury can examine whether or not the University failed in their legal duties and issue indictments if they did. The press and the culture-killing, victim-sainthood people can butt out or be prepared to be held up to severe scrutiny, as I am doing to them here. Try this on for size, you crap-for-brains airheads: if the parents and family of that lad actually had a handle on parenting skills, why in the Hell would they allow their kid to be messing around in a college athletic facility at close to midnight? Think that maybe there's a little moral and legal failure THERE? I do.