Verizon violates the Fair Credit Collections Act

Verizon Wireless has a bad problem of their in-house network connections. Example: I get an email saying I'm "past due" on a payment. I call the robot and it says I have until 20 October to pay.

The term "past due" has a precise definition in the Fair Credit Collection Act. My late wife did these collections for a living. "Past Due" means the account is 30 days past the posted "due" date. The FCCA says that putting the wrong terminology into a collection communication makes that communication into an "Improper Dun", a legal term for the tort of Harassment, or improper threatening communications.

If I were to drop a dime on VZW, the USAG would be BOUND BY LAW to accept my complaint and open a case vs VZW, and the usual Civil fine is $1500 for the first offense. I'm willing to bet this isn't the first offense VZW had made under the FCCA. The matter then bumps up and individuals within the accused corporation may be charged with a Federal Crime, and treble damages come in, and six-figure judgments were common in Blanche's day.

The FCCA is likely in the USAG's Dead File now though, in the present corrupt Administration.

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