Okay. The Right has a string of recent Victories we can call a "trend", and with the SCOTUS vacancy, we could extend Victory well out past the present political horizon. How do we do that?
We DON'T do that by "Never-Trumping". We DON'T do that by standing on soapboxes in the park arguing Roe v. Wade over again.
We DO DO that by going on the Offense. The most boneheaded Democrat out there (use your own iconic choice) will now have to admit that President Trump is in the catbird seat, and NOTHING that the (D)-party can do will change that. So, with the MOST POWERFUL politician in the Nation now DEFINITELY being Trump, how does he (and WE) proceed to go on Offense?
First, the Right needs an actual GAME PLAN; we don't have one now. "MAGA" is a slogan, not a game plan. The game plan will have a goal of winning elections and getting stronger in Congress and also local Legislatures/City Councils, of course, but it also needs a GRAND VISION.
The Grand Vision should be to take down the Democratic Party. Take it down FOREVER.
Yes, the entire Democratic Party needs to be consigned to the dustbin of History, and that's actually NOT hard to do, but it will take time. If Trump starts today, he will just get it done by the 2024 election.
So, how DO we take out the entire Democratic Party? That part is easy: the Democrats have turned their party into a networked system of political corruption (the GOP may have tried this, but only got as far as turning the GOPe into a Stupid Party). The major Democratic Party leaders direct all this corruption, and can LEGALLY be considered "Racketeers", so the entire Party structure can be considered a "Racketeer-Influenced Corrupt Organization". Public law is involved: 18 USC 1961 and related. When the Judge in the lawsuit rules that the (D)-Party IS a RICO group, he can ban it entirely, or perhaps, from the bench, take apart the party and ban the worst parts but put all the remainder on Court Probation. Either way, that ends the Democratic Party as a National political force. What would replace it?
Replacements for the Democrats would, of course, be a Socialist Party, but maybe also a Center-Party of some sort. The catchy-names will come later.
What are the steps to getting to that judgement of RICO?
Watch this space, my Friends, there's MORE to come!