Let's get right into this, shall we? I slept badly last night. The large ham-on-jalapeno-roll sandwich I made myself, with Provolone and Durkee's Famous sauce, didn't digest well.
The Thud #1 therefor, is my tired body. Nothing works like it's supposed to, and I actually have TWO life-shortening conditions now, not just the diabetes I've semi-managed for twenty-five years. Since men on my side of the fandamily usually live to 85-90, that means I have to put up with 11 to 16 more years of this ugly body. The thudding sound you can hear in the Four Corners of this world is my attitude hitting bottom, but we must persist, mustn't we, so I go on, to:
The Thud #2, which is the culture I was raised into, which has pretty much collapsed, making that deep, vibrato shudder. I was raised by a Jewish father and a Southern Baptist mother who famously, both of them, decided early on that the fractious subject of religious differences would never grace OUR family dinner table. They both settled on the middle-road of Protestantism, and so when I attended church (on traditional days such as Easter, Christmas, weddings, funerals), it was in some cavernous old edifice with gray-concrete gargoyles adorning it's arched entrances. Jesus WAS spoken there, and I gravitated more towards my mothers' side of the religious spectrum. I properly expect to meet God's Only Son in Heaven someday, and be welcomed to His company. His Love is about all I have going positive in my life right now. Oh, yes, for those Masters in those ancient Protestant churches, I do, in fact, have that list of Good Works all of you pious lot told me to begin accumulating. Good thing the Protestantism is water in the wake, though, considering how badly those Synods have let down the culture, welcoming as they do such Sins as blessing homosexual marriage, encouraging the break-down of lawful society by illegal immigration, and more. Bah, Humbug!
The Thud #3 is my now totally-failed hope that the Very Model of a Modern Major General* whom I voted for could actually achieve those lofty goals he set for himself and actually begin to Drain That Swamp of Corruption that is our entrenched political system. It now appears that he accomplished only the barest hint of his first Goal, which was to prevent the election of another KorruptKlinton. This means that while I won't drown below the filthy, stinking scum layer at the top of the dark waters in the next three years, I will have to finish my life with that putrid layer up to my chin.
The Thud #4 is my and my dear wife's present circumstances. We are well enough off, have the very best health insurance available**, a nice house, an adequate retirement income in six figures and too much crap which we've accumulated lo these past 40 years. As my father's Successor Trustee, I had to divest the Trust of over 50 cubic yards of his accumulated drek, and that was an unpleasant task, mostly for reasons which I can't divulge here on pain of being sued into oblivion. I'm determined not to similarly burden my children, so as I ache and groan, I also have to delve into mountains of STUFF and start reducing it. Sadly, my gudwife has become somewhat of a Hoarder, so this is a difficult job, to say the least.
The Thud #5, last on today's list, are the very real probabilities that we will be in a nasty War by this time next year, one of two wars, maybe both at once. I'm a professional Conflict Management*** guy, actively practiced that profession for 37 consecutive years (actually a total of 47 years, there were ten years my careers overlapped. I rate our chances of going to war with North Korea at 98% and having an armed Marxist Revolution against the Trump Administration here at home at 70%. I'll be brief. In Korea, the Little Fat Guy's dictatorship is hanging on by a thread. China has promised him refuge if he flees to there, but it's unlikely they will act militarily to save him. When he gives the order to attack in the region or the USA ("suit-case" nuke, his longer-range missiles are 1950's liquid-fueled technology and won't ever make it to our shores), it will be a tossup whether his military leaders obey that order or not, but HE.WILL.GIVE.THAT.ORDER, may have already tried to. As for the Marxists here, we have let the BlackBloc get too strong, they are NOT the disorganized anarchist thugs we've known them to be for the past 30 years or so. they have been bought and paid for by George Soros, as has the Democratic Party, but the Asses don't control them, Soros does. He is Marxist to the core, and will use his last dollar to set this Revolution into motion. To stop it, we'd have to kill Soros AND his money off NOW, and we won't take that step. Soros hasn't bought enough of an army, though, and the Marxist Revolution will be only a few paragraphs in our National History, not a Book or even a Chapter. The Veterans' Militias will be all over the BlackBloc when they take that step too far. They will die in their hundreds on the very day that THEY intended would be the end of representative democracy here. We will see their "Nationwide Day of Rage" declared, and they will try to wreck at least a dozen cities simultaneously. The Veterans and their rifles will be their downfall, coming again to the aid of their Nation. The Cities the BlackBloc will try to wreck are those which have refused to effectively oppose them since BlackBloc Day One. If you live in one of these Cities, you know this very real danger. I live in one of them, Portland.
Enough of this Thudding. It's half-past Nine, and I need a meal. Until later,
*Very Model of, etc...Remember that photo of a young Donald Trump, Jr? The one of him in his military-academy dress uniform? Reminds me of the famous work of Gilbert and Sullivan.
** Medicare with the military retirement coverage, Tricare for Life as a second-payer. 100% covered, for everything.
*** 22 years military service, achieved rank of Major in the USAF. 25 years of service as a Deputy Sheriff in my community, in the various forms of Patrol Services.