My Sunday Blather:
Today's subject, the Second American Revolution.
This article is long, a five-minute read for most, and it is written for Free People, who will shortly have to take up War to restore Freedom in this Nation.
Yes, most Patriots believe that there WILL be a second armed revolution fought to resist, then remove Communist Government. Why do I use the word "Communist"? By definition, Communism is nothing more than Socialism enforced at the point of guns. Colorado (the town of Boulder, anyway), is Communist, and we know why: they have just accused thousands of their citizens of Felonies for possessing a common rifle. So, yes, Virgina, there IS Communism afoot. The examples of Communism brought by political Administrators is too long to completely post here.
Look at other, less-obvious Communist efforts: stone-hearted killers are illegally IMPORTED in their thousands and turned loose to terrorize. "Sanctuary"? My rosy-red patootie! That's a common and well-known Communist trick, using an indigenous group to terrorize the citizens with. The original Red October Revolution in Russia used the Cossacks.
If Trump loses his re-election bid in 22 months, we WILL see even more Communism, and it will be dumped on us all at once, not gradually as has been the case up to now.
So, there will be revolution. There HAS to be. The Left has the blood-lust of evil in their veins now and will accept nothing less than the total installation of Socialism (by force, making it Communism).
The revolution will proceed to kick Communists out of places where they aren't well established. The USA then splits into Communist vs Free City-States, and if both the Communists and the Free peoples can establish survival commerce, that situation could last for some time, long enough time for a new Free Constitution to be promulgated and agreed on by all the Free Peoples.
How bloody will this war be? Look at all the guns available to both sides, and there is your answer. Look at the Communist-run cities we have now: They are full of ARMED GANGS which the City Fathers and Mothers never seem to suppress. Clue, they don't WANT to suppress them, those gangs will all be Communist Irregulars the day the Revolution kicks off.
The strategy of the Free peoples will be to let the big Communist Cities rot in place. This will be a Logistical war. Whoever can control or deny Logistics wins. On the Communist Coasts, the Free troops will have little success other than distractions: the Commies will be likely to keep all their ports open. What the Commies will NOT be able to do though, is keep the railroads and Interstate Highways open. Some of the big Communist-controlled Cities will fall to the Free because they will get starved out. You can't keep a place like St Louis or Kansas City going by air logistics only.
What is the key area for the Free to hold? The answer is Texas. With Texas, the Free have ports to communicate and trade with the rest of the world (although that World will quickly devolve into more communist States being declared: i.e.: most of Europe). If Texas holds as Free, it will probably become the Capital of the Free States Confederation.
How many might die in this war? A few thousands to many tens of millions in direct fighting, but multiples of those numbers to starvation and disease. After the inevitable stalemate leads to a cessation of hostilities (probably in the third year), I would expect that the population of both sides won't exceet 200 million.
Is it possible to avoid this war? Not really. It COULD be avoided if the communists suffered some sudden and dramatic setback, enough to make them give up THEIR blood-quest. That setback would have to be the arrest, trial, conviction and imprisonment (or execution) of enough major Traitors to convince the slightly-less traitorous to abandon their political dreams of communist hegemony.
If I were placed in charge, my start on preventing Civil War Two would be to indict, arrest and imprison (no bail) EVERY political administrator/administratrix or candidate who has EVER made substantial Acts to operate a municipal corporation as a "Sanctuary" for illegal invaders. That list would include the bulk of the Federal Judiciary and most of the City Administrations in the major "democratic party" (communist) run cities.
That purge (yes, it would be called and IS a Purge) could very well be done when and IF Associate Justices in failing health were replaced (they are all "liberals").
Think on this, my friends. You will all be involved soon enough.