Here's how close to War we are in this Nation:
1. The elected President can't get a thing done, the bureaucracy and Legislative and Judicial branches, most from the past President, actively oppose Trump's Administration, even to the point of calling their oppositon "The Resistance", a term of WAR.
2. The GOP, the President's Party, mostly opposes the President. The GOP "majority" in the Senate is a joke, because at least 6 Senators would rather vote with the opposition Party 90% of the time.
3. The borders are porous and open, all manner of undesireable aliens sneak in and the bureaucracy lets them stay, believing that at some point, resolve will break down and they will be offered Amnesty and become opposition-party voters.
4. The "Resistance" has the nerve to invade a restaurant and chase out a CABINET SECRETARY dining there.
5. The Military is forced to take morale-destroying trans-gender people in as combat troops.
6. Social Media DESTROYS Freedom of Speech, actively censoring conservative viewpoints and banning conservative writers by callously referring to their writings as "Hate Speech".
7. The opposition is going all-out to destroy the Second Amendment, trying to declare that this militia-authorizing Amendment doesn't allow Militia weaponry!
8. The premier Federal Law Enforcement Agency (FBI) is co-opted and CORRUPTED by the opposition party, and has ACTIVELY become the militant wing of the "Resistance".
9 A cabal of ultra-rich Marxists (the New World Order), is throwing BILLIONS of dollars at the "Resistance" to enable their mayhem.
10. Those same Marxists have funded a Black Revolutionary Movement which has the DECLARED RACIST objective of DESTROYING all previous American Custom and Tradition, claiming it is "too white".
11. The entire US Higher Educational establishment has turned TOTALLY Marxist, and supports, then covers for all the projected Marxist revolutionary activity.
12. The Women's Movement, born fifty years ago to try to right employment and related wrongs in our social structure, has also become a total tool of Marxist Revolution.
We have nothing to do now but wait for the bullets to fly, then start sending ours back at the Marxists. We've LOST the run-up to this war, now we will have to actually FIGHT this War.